2 hour van transport to the Fleet Warehouse meetup at 2:30pm MST at our Washington, UT warehouse.
Machine orientation and packing
3-4hr ride on our way to Camp #1
DAY 02
All-day ride (with breaks of course) heading north through the varied terrain of Dixie National Forest all the way to Camp #2 next to a swimming hole (if temps and/or bravery align)
DAY 03
All-day ride as we head east through the rugged volcanic terrain of Dixie towards our final epic Camp #3 deep in the Bryce Canyon side-country
DAY 04
All-day ride from our final camp all the way back to our Washington, UT warehouse through the world-famous Zion National Park
2 hour van transport for an evening arrival in Las Vegas
Plan to stay in Las Vegas this evening and fly out the following morning