Wilderness makes you Better.
We’re here for the restless. For those who never settle and those who want more out of life.
We believe that the fuel to the modern soul is wind in the hair, sun on the skin, and campfire smoke in the eyes.
Come ride with us and discover why Wilderness Makes You Better.
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Message From Steve

I launched this wild dream in 2012 to help people disconnect from the noise of life and to reconnect to what matters through adventure. Today, over 3000 guests later, the mission remains the same but it’s even more needed.
My secret formula is simple; it’s adrenaline, world class hospitality, wild spaces, soulful conversations and just enough risk.
The result is consistent; you’ll walk away with a clear mind, a full soul and renewed passion to approach your relationships, work and dreams.
I hope you’ll join us to experience the magic and mayhem for yourself.
Steve Dubbeldam
Founder & Chief of Adventure